Tauwasser »
2014-01-25 20:30:54
I have here a version CGB-BLBP-EUR "The FLand Before Time" with different hashes, internal header is good. Stamp is 07, no letter.
The ROMs are pretty much identical. Just that the current DAT ROM has 0x300 bytes 0xFF at 0x5700, where mine has 0x300 bytes of data. This is apparently part of the song that plays while language select is shown on screen - though I can't for the life of me hear a difference emulator vs. GBC.
So I'm not sure if this is a bad dump and the dumper did a quick header checksum fix, or if this is a possible program revision (though why would they "mask out" part of the song?).
It should be noted that this is the same publisher "Conspiracy" as the Flintstones (see http://datomatic.no-intro.org/index.php?page=discussion_show&s=47&thread=1964) -- so maybe this publisher liked to throw out multiple ROMs with the same version byte in the header?
CGB-BLBP-EUR.gbc MD5: 634c5b73113b589530bc70cfb5ce3598 SHA-1: 9d7a8b923116093b9ee9415603a4ac9d15dcf8e3