hkA »
2009-06-25 05:42:06
The original of "どうぶつ島のチョビぐるみ" is girls' comics of Japan.
This URL is official of the original writer.
The pronunciation is "Jima ".
>>It is either "Shima" or suffix "-tou"
There is no such fact.
(May be, the one edited as foreign traveler understands easily?)
A lot of displayed of "Jima" are used in present Japan.
石垣島(Ishigaki Jima),与那国島(Yonaguni Jima),more etc,,,
It is similar in coinage and trademark/commodity.
Moreover, when an overseas island is displayed, the pronunciation of "Tou" is basically used.
The display of the island in Japan might be used by the exception.
(無人島(Mujintou) [one word], 硫黄島(This is more special circumstances) etc,,)
"Tou" Example:
ハワイ島(Hawaii Tou)"The Island of Hawaii",マウイ島(Maui Tou)"The Island of Maui",オアフ島(Oahu Tou)"Oahu Island"
1642 - Angel Collection 2 - Pichimo ni Narou (Japan)
1912 - Kappa no Kai-kata - Kaatan Daibouken! (Japan) :
Ok, I see.