fuzzball »
2008-09-02 19:48:52
2444 - Densetsu no Stafy - Taiketsu! Dire Kaizokudan
A source of 'Dire'?
I'd like to the 'Dile'.
Because that origin is a crocodile.
kazumi213 »
2008-09-03 03:28:53
While your "(Croco)Dile" argument sounds interesting, the problem is that the "Kaizokudan" ("Pirate Squad") guys don't look like crocodiles to me :P
On the other hand the "Dire" english adjective is applied to something that causes fear, dread or terror, and makes sense when used to designate a pirate squad.
fuzzball »
2008-09-03 08:48:55
I contact Nintendo and have an answer.
original message(japanese)
kazumi213 »
2008-09-04 03:55:35
Ok fuzzball, you are right then. So the "Pirate Squad" leader is a character named "Dile" because it resembles a crocodile.
2444 - Densetsu no Stafy - Taiketsu! Dire Kaizokudan (Japan)
2444 - Densetsu no Stafy - Taiketsu! Dile Kaizokudan (Japan)
Thanks for taking the effort to contact Nintendo on this (Wow!)
I wonder how many titles contain wronly romanized words like this.
Keep the good job.