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Snes sufami turbo, bsx and bs ROM Games
Category: Naming
Closed (accepted) by: root.
Anonymous » 2012-02-21 11:51:36

Please, rename the extensions of sufami turbo games to .st and bsx/bsrom to .bs
Because these games aren't snes directly-connected games
C. V. Reynolds » 2012-02-22 03:07:03

I agree with this and want to do it (I need to get approval first), but note that this is the Nintendo DS section. I figure you only posted the message here by accident, though.
Anonymous » 2012-02-24 07:18:11

"Please, rename the extensions of sufami turbo games to .st and bsx/bsrom to .bs"

I also agree completely with this...

While on extensions, dont N64 roms have a standard,
byte-swapped, big endian, little endian each with it's own extension

Yet the set has the extension n64, huh ? they are .v64 format !
What gives with the non logical ext ?
Anonymous » 2012-10-07 21:24:48

I agree either rename the extensions or add a flag to the the title name.