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Identical Roms, different names.
Category: Naming
Reference: 3058
Closed (accepted) by: root.
sqidy » 2012-02-16 13:53:59

Amiga and Atari ST are 1:1 identical, though name is different.
Please correct me if i'm wrong

3058 - Lethal Xcess (Europe) (Amiga,ST)

Atari ST:
3058 - Lethal Xcess - Wings of Death II (Europe) (Amiga + ST)
Connie » 2012-02-17 02:16:46

Amiga is correct as per box front.

Atari ST dat was created direct from softpres naming and I haven't checked naming because I'm unable to run any to check languages/versions, etc. (no point doing things twice).

I personally don't use the No-Intro Amiga dat because of the way the database handles additional tags and cteates version numbers. You should find the naming is the same in my dat posted in the forum though, which I am still in the process of updating.

The 'OLD' Amiga dat was imported by Kazumi so I'm not sure what naming standard is prefered or what changes will be imported when I've finished my new dat.

Thanks for the pointer though.
Connie » 2012-02-24 01:35:30

I'm changing the Amiga title because it it refered to as "Lethal Xcess - Wings of Death II" and it is shown on the back of the box. I guess they didn't want to spoil the box art with a long title! :)