kazumi213 »
2009-08-13 12:57:45
I need help from our Japanese friends. Is it possible to translate into english the "Kara" word on the following titles as "from" (time/location) or "since"?
0167 - Akachan wa Doko Kara Kuru no (Japan)
1200 - Kyou Kara DS - Calorie Navi (Japan)
1870 - Fujimori Midori no Let's Tarot - Anata mo Kyou Kara Uranaishi (Japan)
2562 - Shoho Kara Hajimeru - Otona no Eitango Renshuu (Japan)
2158 - SimCity DS 2 - Kodai Kara Mirai e Tsuzuku Machi (Japan)
3039 - Zero Kara Hajimeru - Otona no 5 Kakokugo Nyuumon - Ei, Futsu, Doku, I, Sei (Japan)
2522 - Minna no DS Seminar - Kantan Ongaku Ryoku - Kiso Kara Hajimeru Gakufu Nyuumon (Japan)
Thanks in advance.
Anonymous »
2009-08-25 23:02:06
Google's guess: From.
Contextually, it may also mean the following:
1. off
1. from
2. out of
3. by
4. at
5. since
1. because
Excite's Japanese translator (one I usually recommend over Google) has no suggestion, though does romanise the glyphs to Kara.
Anonymous »
2009-08-26 00:01:05
In continuation... Excite's translations of 'kara' do better when provisioned with context. With a bit of romaji to hiragana conversion to find advertised names, I can give rough translations...
Excite was more accurate, whereas Google couldn't quite detect the context necessary.
0167 - 赤ちゃんはどこからくるの
E: Where does the baby come? (...from)
G: Babies come from?
1200 - 今日からDSカロリーナビ
E: DS [karori-nabi] from today
G: DS Karorinabi today
1870 - 藤森緑のLETsタロット あなたも今日から占い師
e: Let's tarot you of Fujimori green are a fortune teller from today
g: LETs Huzimori Midori from today's your Tarot Psychic
( 藤森緑のLet'sタロット )
e: (Let 's tarot of Fujimori green)
g: The Huzimori Midori Let's Tarot
2562 - 初歩からはじめる 大人の英単語練習
e: English word practice of adult of start from the abc
g: English words from the adults start practicing elementary
2158 - シムシティDS2 ~古代から未来へ続くまち~
e: Waiting that continues from Sim city DS2 - ancient times to the future
g: SimCity DS2 ~ From the ancient city leading to the future
3039 - リズムでクッキング ~スイーツパーティーへようこそ♪~
e: The cooking by the rhythm - Welcome to the sweets party ♪
g: Welcome to Cooking With Rhythm - Suitsupati ♪ ~
2522 - みんなのDSゼミナール カンタン音楽力
e: Everyone's DS seminar easy music power
g: Minna no DS Seminar Quentin's musical
kazumi213 »
2009-08-26 06:50:58
Thanks a lot. I will change all "Kara" instances to lowercase.
Shoho Kara Hajimeru --> Start from the elementary (basics)
Zero Kara Hajimeru --> Start "from scratch"
Kiso Kara Hajimeru --> Start from the basics...
Anonymous »
2009-08-26 10:36:45
I did not mean to imply the importance of case in my single-quotes. I do not speak or read Japanese.. Better wait for a better informed answer.