Select | Standard DAT | P/C List | P/C XML | Scene | Daily | DB | Dumplog |
Version 2025-03-28 (dat) contains the following datfile(s):
Acorn - Archimedes (20231029-220453) | |
Acorn - Atom (Tapes) (Bitstream) (20230406-090500) | |
Acorn - Risc PC (Flux) (20230506-040449) | |
Acorn RISC OS - Flash Media (Misc) (20221123-054527) | |
ACT - Apricot PC Xi (20211125-165629) | |
Amstrad - CPC (Flux) (20230406-091045) | |
Amstrad - CPC (Misc) (20230406-091045) | |
APF - Imagination Machine (20220416-042756) | |
APF - MP-1000 (20240516-120119) | |
Apple - I (Tapes) (20230313-130448) | |
Apple - II (A2R) (20220728-095306) | |
Apple - II (Waveform) (20220728-095306) | |
Apple - II (WOZ) (20220728-095306) | |
Apple - II Plus (Flux) (20211227-061630) | |
Apple - II Plus (WOZ) (20211227-061630) | |
Apple - IIe (A2R) (20220718-130608) | |
Apple - IIe (Kryoflux) (20220718-130608) | |
Apple - IIe (WOZ) (20220718-130608) | |
Apple - IIGS (A2R) (20220727-120719) | |
Apple - IIGS (WOZ) (20220727-120719) | |
Apple - Macintosh (A2R) (20220727-190526) | |
Apple - Macintosh (DC42) (20220727-190526) | |
Apple - Macintosh (KryoFlux) (20220727-190526) | |
Apple - Macintosh (Uncategorized) (20220727-190526) | |
Apple - Macintosh (WOZ) (20220727-190526) | |
Apple - Macintosh (BETA) (Bitstreams) (20220831-024638) | |
Apple - Macintosh (BETA) (FluxDumps) (20220831-024638) | |
Apple-Bandai - Pippin (Floppies) (20220623-041333) | |
Arcade - PC-based (20241207-071923) | |
Arduboy Inc - Arduboy (20230528-053947) | |
Atari - 8-bit Family (20250111-012642) | |
Atari - 8-bit Family (Kryoflux) (20250111-012642) | |
Atari - Atari 2600 (20250322-040617) | |
Atari - Atari 5200 (20250327-124301) | |
Atari - Atari 7800 (A78) (20241223-021829) | |
Atari - Atari 7800 (BIN) (20241223-021829) | |
Atari - Atari Jaguar (ABS) (20250208-164242) | |
Atari - Atari Jaguar (COF) (20250208-164242) | |
Atari - Atari Jaguar (J64) (20250208-164242) | |
Atari - Atari Jaguar (JAG) (20250208-164242) | |
Atari - Atari Jaguar (ROM) (20250208-164242) | |
Atari - Atari Lynx (BLL) (20241112-103004) | |
Atari - Atari Lynx (LNX) (20241112-103004) | |
Atari - Atari Lynx (LYX) (20241112-103004) | |
Atari - Atari ST (20220506-114708) | |
Atari - Atari ST (Flux) (20220506-114708) | |
Bally - Astrocade (20220411-220423) | |
Bally - Astrocade (Tapes) (20220914-145554) | |
Bally - Astrocade (Tapes) (WAV) (20220914-145554) | |
Bandai - Design Master Denshi Mangajuku (20250220-083729) | |
Bandai - Gundam RX-78 (20211124-013520) | |
Bandai - WonderSwan (20241208-052150) | |
Bandai - WonderSwan Color (20250117-025245) | |
Bandai Little Jammer (BIN) (20241202-013213) | |
Bandai Little Jammer Pro (BIN) (20241202-225145) | |
Benesse - Pocket Challenge V2 (20241119-004259) | |
Benesse - Pocket Challenge W (20241116-140635) | |
Bit Corporation - Gamate (20230627-112619) | |
Casio - Loopy (BigEndian) (20231004-134719) | |
Casio - Loopy (LittleEndian) (20231004-134719) | |
Casio - PV-1000 (20200109-103603) | |
Coleco - ColecoVision (20250321-153911) | |
Commodore - Amiga (Bitstream) (20240604-172503) | |
Commodore - Amiga (20240604-172503) | |
Commodore - Amiga (Flux) (20240604-172503) | |
Commodore - Commodore 64 (20240806-182214) | |
Commodore - Commodore 64 (Headerless) (20240806-182214) | |
Commodore - Commodore 64 (PP) (20230414-015239) | |
Commodore - Commodore 64 (Tapes) (20230804-123725) | |
Commodore - Plus-4 (20090105-000000) | |
Commodore - VIC-20 (20231226-072946) | |
Digital Media Cartridge - Firecore (20240212-194543) | |
Emerson - Arcadia 2001 (20240811-205103) | |
Entex - Adventure Vision (20081125-031450) | |
Epoch - Game Pocket Computer (20211122-141248) | |
Epoch - Super Cassette Vision (20201123-013546) | |
Fairchild - Channel F (20120223-000000) | |
Fujitsu - FM Towns (Flux) (20240623-225613) | |
Fujitsu - FM Towns (HDM) (20240623-225613) | |
Fujitsu - FM-7 (Bitstream) (20240623-225430) | |
Fujitsu - FM-7 (Flux) (20240623-225430) | |
Fujitsu - FM-7 (Sector) (20240623-225430) | |
Fujitsu - FM-7 (Tapes) (Bitstream) (20230406-075508) | |
Fujitsu - FM-7 (Tapes) (Waveform) (20230406-075508) | |
Fujitsu - FMR50 (Flux) (20220302-115306) | |
Fukutake Publishing - StudyBox (20200113-140743) | |
Funtech - Super Acan (20240927-111000) | |
GamePark - GP2X (20220107-115126) | |
GamePark - GP32 (20100224-080928) | |
GCE - Vectrex (20241205-234845) | |
Hartung - Game Master (20211012-064712) | |
Hitachi - S1 (Waveform) (20220730-205621) | |
IBM - PC and Compatibles (Flux) (20230507-112016) | |
IBM - PC and Compatibles (IPF) (20230507-112016) | |
IBM - PC and Compatibles (LooseFilesArchive) (20230507-112016) | |
IBM - PC and Compatibles (SCP) (20230507-112016) | |
IBM - PC and Compatibles (Digital) (Desura) (20241221-115532) | |
IBM - PC and Compatibles (Digital) (Groupees) (20220803-071205) | |
IBM - PC and Compatibles (Digital) (JAST USA) (20220607-112544) | |
IBM - PC and Compatibles (Digital) (Misc) (20250131-130124) | |
IBM - PC and Compatibles (Digital) (Misc) (Hentai) (20220717-123500) | |
IBM - PC and Compatibles (Digital) (Steam) (Hentai) (20230424-174742) | |
IBM - PC and Compatibles (Digital) (Unknown) (20220709-010657) | |
IBM - PC and Compatibles (Digital) (Updates and DLC) (20241221-151011) | |
IBM - PC and Compatibles (Flash Media) (20240813-084043) | |
Interton - VC 4000 (20211122-135810) | |
iQue - iQue (CDN) (20220514-122827) | |
iQue - iQue (Decrypted) (20220514-122827) | |
Konami - Picno (20201121-052249) | |
LeapFrog - Explorer (20250107-113625) | |
LeapFrog - LeapPad (20190401-035314) | |
LeapFrog - Leapster Learning Game System (20250122-131709) | |
Luxor - ABC 800 (Flux) (20220712-142738) | |
Magnavox - Odyssey 2 (20250305-130735) | |
Mattel - Intellivision (20250321-155849) | |
Microsoft - MSX (20241023-125346) | |
Microsoft - MSX2 (20231015-143336) | |
Microsoft - Xbox (Development Kit Hard Drives) (20230925-080914) | |
Microsoft - Xbox 360 (Development Kit Hard Drives) (20230411-073408) | |
Microsoft - Xbox 360 (Digital) (20240804-095958) | |
Microsoft - Xbox One (Digital) (CDN) (20240813-033441) | |
Microsoft - Xbox One (Digital) (ExtractedFiles) (20240813-033441) | |
Milton-Bradley - Omni (Waveform) (20220725-135116) | |
Mobile - J2ME (20240710-031040) | |
Mobile - Palm OS (20240922-194030) | |
Mobile - Palm OS (Digital) (20230926-163739) | |
Mobile - Pocket PC (20220725-120454) | |
Mobile - Pocket PC (Digital) (20221220-122641) | |
Mobile - Symbian (20220516-232715) | |
NEC - PC Engine - TurboGrafx-16 (20250224-150029) | |
NEC - PC Engine SuperGrafx (20250121-134304) | |
NEC - PC-88 (Flux) (20220725-151518) | |
NEC - PC-88 (KryoFlux) (20220725-151518) | |
NEC - PC-98 (20231101-162607) | |
NEC - PC-98 (Flux) (20231101-162607) | |
NEC - PC-98 (Greaseweazle) (20231101-162607) | |
NEC - PC-98 (HardDisk) (20231101-162607) | |
NEC - PC-98 (Uncategorized) (20231101-162607) | |
Nichibutsu - My Vision (20230724-090438) | |
Nichibutsu - My Vision (Mame) (20230724-090438) | |
Nintendo - amiibo (20211113-040458) | |
Nintendo - Family BASIC (Tapes) (20241007-124902) | |
Nintendo - Family Computer Disk System (FDS) (20241226-084326) | |
Nintendo - Family Computer Disk System (QD) (20241226-084326) | |
Nintendo - Family Computer Network System (20220516-232939) | |
Nintendo - Game & Watch (20241105-120946) | |
Nintendo - Game Boy (20250325-140359) | |
Nintendo - Game Boy Advance (20250326-112018) | |
Nintendo - Game Boy Advance (e-Reader) (20250223-091706) | |
Nintendo - Game Boy Advance (Multiboot) (20240221-035028) | |
Nintendo - Game Boy Advance (Play-Yan) (20210113-092936) | |
Nintendo - Game Boy Advance (Video) (20241213-211743) | |
Nintendo - Game Boy Color (20250326-111448) | |
Nintendo - Kiosk Video Compact Flash (CardImage) (20211208-080217) | |
Nintendo - Kiosk Video Compact Flash (Extracted) (20211208-080217) | |
Nintendo - Misc (20250326-175540) | |
Nintendo - New Nintendo 3DS (Decrypted) (20250110-105543) | |
Nintendo - New Nintendo 3DS (Encrypted) (20250110-105543) | |
Nintendo - New Nintendo 3DS (Digital) (Deprecated) (20211118-112910) | |
Nintendo - Nintendo 3DS (Decrypted) (20250326-192737) | |
Nintendo - Nintendo 3DS (Encrypted) (20250326-192737) | |
Nintendo - Nintendo 3DS (Digital) (CDN) (20250325-090544) | |
Nintendo - Nintendo 3DS (Digital) (Deprecated) (20240623-225059) | |
Nintendo - Nintendo 3DS (Digital) (Dev ROMs) (20241231-125828) | |
Nintendo - Nintendo 3DS (Digital) (Pre-Install) (20241214-124204) | |
Nintendo - Nintendo 64 (BigEndian) (20250319-140952) | |
Nintendo - Nintendo 64 (ByteSwapped) (20250319-140952) | |
Nintendo - Nintendo 64 (Mario no Photopi SmartMedia) (20210514-090046) | |
Nintendo - Nintendo 64DD (20230131-042611) | |
Nintendo - Nintendo DS (Decrypted) (20250326-074701) | |
Nintendo - Nintendo DS (Encrypted) (20250326-074701) | |
Nintendo - Nintendo DS (Download Play) (20240712-120512) | |
Nintendo - Nintendo DS (DSvision SD cards) (20221023-022924) | |
Nintendo - Nintendo DSi (Decrypted) (20250227-140014) | |
Nintendo - Nintendo DSi (Encrypted) (20250227-140014) | |
Nintendo - Nintendo DSi (Digital) (20220506-190731) | |
Nintendo - Nintendo DSi (Digital) (CDN) (Decrypted) (20250210-182216) | |
Nintendo - Nintendo DSi (Digital) (CDN) (Encrypted) (20250210-182216) | |
Nintendo - Nintendo Entertainment System (Headered) (20250324-114642) | |
Nintendo - Nintendo Entertainment System (Headerless) (20250324-114642) | |
Nintendo - Nintendo GameCube (NPDP Carts) (20240104-124921) | |
Nintendo - Pokemon Mini (20241101-131442) | |
Nintendo - Satellaview (20250315-141651) | |
Nintendo - Sufami Turbo (20240622-035607) | |
Nintendo - Super Nintendo Entertainment System (20250327-221956) | |
Nintendo - Virtual Boy (20240829-133848) | |
Nintendo - Wallpapers (20230410-103428) | |
Nintendo - Wii (Development Kit Hard Drives) (20250327-160901) | |
Nintendo - Wii (Digital) (CDN) (20240901-073714) | |
Nintendo - Wii U (Development Kit Hard Drives) (20250326-174946) | |
Nintendo - Wii U (Digital) (CDN) (20240727-094710) | |
Nintendo - Wii U (Digital) (CDN) (Dev) (20220718-071500) | |
Nintendo - Wii U (Digital) (CDN) (Lotcheck) (20220718-071500) | |
Nokia - N-Gage (WIP) (20220220-010530) | |
Ouya - Ouya (20200720-221834) | |
Philips - Videopac+ (20250305-131657) | |
Project EGG (20230831-231500) | |
RCA - Studio II (20200201-121822) | |
Sanyo - MBC-550 (Flux) (20220720-120703) | |
Sega - 32X (20250126-142831) | |
Sega - Beena (20240607-160830) | |
Sega - Dreamcast (Development Kit Hard Drives) (20230104-093851) | |
Sega - Dreamcast (Visual Memory Unit) (20230103-091559) | |
Sega - Game Gear (20250320-141239) | |
Sega - Master System - Mark III (20250324-122414) | |
Sega - Mega Drive - Genesis (20250305-122836) | |
Sega - PICO (20250220-080006) | |
Sega - SG-1000 (20231205-110448) | |
Seta - Aleck64 (BigEndian) (20220513-040448) | |
Seta - Aleck64 (ByteSwapped) (20220513-040448) | |
Sharp - MZ-2200 (Waveform) (20220726-061910) | |
Sharp - MZ-700 (Waveform) (20220724-142320) | |
Sharp - X1 (Waveform) (20220720-115216) | |
Sharp - X68000 (Flux) (20220302-045947) | |
Sinclair - ZX Spectrum +3 (20161210-235900) | |
SNK - NeoGeo Pocket (20250222-080429) | |
SNK - NeoGeo Pocket Color (20240506-123728) | |
Sony - PlayStation (PS one Classics) (PSN) (20240923-055111) | |
Sony - PlayStation 3 (Development Kit Hard Drives) (Decrypted) (20220831-060008) | |
Sony - PlayStation 3 (PSN) (Avatars) (20241113-153327) | |
Sony - PlayStation 3 (PSN) (Content) (20250302-022231) | |
Sony - PlayStation 3 (PSN) (DLC) (20250302-013800) | |
Sony - PlayStation 3 (PSN) (Themes) (20241121-073758) | |
Sony - PlayStation 3 (PSN) (Updates) (20250316-115624) | |
Sony - PlayStation Mobile (PSN) (20200524-163740) | |
Sony - PlayStation Portable (PSN) (Encrypted) (20250218-120947) | |
Sony - PlayStation Portable (PSN) (Minis) (20250302-021843) | |
Sony - PlayStation Vita (PSN) (Content) (20250201-151921) | |
Sony - PlayStation Vita (PSN) (Updates) (20231009-113000) | |
TeleNova - Compis (Flux) (20220712-150715) | |
Texas Instruments - TI-99-4A (A2R) (20221123-054417) | |
Tiger - (20221031-184634) | |
Tiger - Gizmondo (20070531-125518) | |
Toshiba - Pasopia (BIN) (20220726-115432) | |
Toshiba - Pasopia (WAV) (20220726-115432) | |
Toshiba - Visicom (20200202-120958) | |
VM Labs - NUON (Digital) (20241204-163311) | |
VTech - CreatiVision (20240623-224553) | |
VTech - Mobigo (20220207-083241) | |
VTech - V.Smile (20241123-090634) | |
Watara - Supervision (20240619-224132) | |
Welback - Mega Duck (20240623-225207) | |
Yamaha - Copera (20211125-171549) | |
Zeebo - Zeebo (20190815-004208) | |
Source Code - Apple - II (20230107-005706) | |
Source Code - Apple - IIGS (20211204-095754) | |
Source Code - Arcade (20230201-090434) | |
Source Code - Atari - 8-bit Family (20230107-012326) | |
Source Code - Atari - Atari 2600 (20240806-224451) | |
Source Code - IBM - PC and Compatibles (20241224-090317) | |
Source Code - Mobile - Palm OS (20220805-104242) | |
Source Code - Nintendo - Game Boy Advance (20230107-011927) | |
Source Code - Nintendo - Game Boy Color (20250313-191959) | |
Source Code - Nintendo - Nintendo DS (20220204-041058) | |
Source Code - Nintendo - Nintendo Entertainment System (20230107-011201) | |
Source Code - Nintendo - Nintendo GameCube (20220309-093302) | |
Source Code - Nintendo - Super Nintendo Entertainment System (20230107-012046) | |
Source Code - Panasonic - 3DO Interactive Multiplayer (20240830-125949) | |
Source Code - Sega - DreamCast (20230107-012643) | |
Source Code - Various (20241221-151607) | |
Source Code - VM Labs - NUON (20220609-185850) | |
Non-Redump - Apple-Bandai - Pippin (20231104-154236) | |
Non-Redump - Atari - Atari Jaguar CD (20221104-083106) | |
Non-Redump - Audio CD (20241212-174116) | |
Non-Redump - BD-Video (20241222-163959) | |
Non-Redump - DVD-Video (20241203-011532) | |
Non-Redump - FuRyu - Katy (20240319-074145) | |
Non-Redump - Hasbro - iON Educational Gaming System (20230320-151656) | |
Non-Redump - IBM - PC Compatible (Discs) (20250326-125709) | |
Non-Redump - IBM - PC Compatible (Discs) (Hentai) (20230818-230002) | |
Non-Redump - Konami - Python 2 (20240318-125121) | |
Non-Redump - Merit Megatouch (20230411-180804) | |
Non-Redump - Microsoft - Pocket PC (20220804-183255) | |
Non-Redump - Microsoft - Xbox (20250222-142632) | |
Non-Redump - Microsoft - Xbox 360 (20250302-053151) | |
Non-Redump - Namco - Purikura (20240327-155115) | |
Non-Redump - NEC - PC Engine CD + TurboGrafx CD (20240415-072023) | |
Non-Redump - NEC - PC-88 (20230330-093338) | |
Non-Redump - Nintendo - Nintendo GameCube (20250321-153402) | |
Non-Redump - Nintendo - Wii (20250324-064514) | |
Non-Redump - Nintendo - Wii U (20250315-143756) | |
Non-Redump - Panasonic - 3DO Interactive Multiplayer (20250115-113934) | |
Non-Redump - Philips - CD-i (20250111-175848) | |
Non-Redump - Sega - ALLS (20240918-234458) | |
Non-Redump - Sega - Dreamcast (20231230-212004) | |
Non-Redump - Sega - Nu (20250321-201259) | |
Non-Redump - Sega - Nu 1.1 (20240319-073142) | |
Non-Redump - Sega - Nu 2 (20241008-041705) | |
Non-Redump - Sega - Nu SX (20240818-013431) | |
Non-Redump - Sega - Sega Mega CD + Sega CD (20241202-123145) | |
Non-Redump - Sega - Sega Saturn (20221104-092247) | |
Non-Redump - Sega NAOMI Satellite Terminal PC (20240817-233118) | |
Non-Redump - Sharp - Zaurus (20250323-061141) | |
Non-Redump - Sony - PlayStation (20241202-101900) | |
Non-Redump - Sony - PlayStation 2 (20250204-030021) | |
Non-Redump - Sony - PlayStation Portable (20250321-203505) | |
Non-Redump - Sony Electronic Book (20231206-181917) | |
Non-Redump - VM Labs - NUON (20250325-063344) | |
Non-Redump - ZAPiT Games - Game Wave Family Entertainment System (20240202-095438) | |
Unofficial - Microsoft - Xbox 360 (Title Updates) (20220623-103723) | |
Unofficial - Nintendo - Nintendo 3DS (Digital) (Updates and DLC) (Decrypted) (20230502-011510) | |
Unofficial - Nintendo - Nintendo 3DS (Digital) (Updates and DLC) (Encrypted) (20230502-011510) | |
Unofficial - Nintendo - Wii (Digital) (Deprecated) (WAD) (20240726-144144) | |
Unofficial - Nintendo - Wii (Digital) (Split DLC) (Deprecated) (WAD) (20190825-031431) | |
Unofficial - Nintendo - Wii U (Digital) (Deprecated) (20191222-002825) | |
Unofficial - Obscure Gamers (20240326-102217) | |
Unofficial - Sony - PlayStation 3 (PSN) (Decrypted) (20180429-070319) | |
Unofficial - Sony - PlayStation 4 (PSN) (20230925-001500) | |
Unofficial - Sony - PlayStation Portable (PSN) (Decrypted) (20230704-163013) | |
Unofficial - Sony - PlayStation Portable (PSX2PSP) (20130318-035538) | |
Unofficial - Sony - PlayStation Portable (UMD Music) (20231230-080356) | |
Unofficial - Sony - PlayStation Portable (UMD Video) (20250125-153527) | |
Unofficial - Sony - PlayStation Vita (BlackFinPSV) (20241123-055311) | |
Unofficial - Sony - PlayStation Vita (NoNpDrm) (20241123-055311) | |
Unofficial - Sony - PlayStation Vita (PSVgameSD) (20241123-055311) | |
Unofficial - Sony - PlayStation Vita (VPK) (20241123-055311) | |
Unofficial - Sony - PlayStation Vita (PSN) (Decrypted) (NoNpDrm) (20220715-105412) | |
Unofficial - Sony - PlayStation Vita (PSN) (Decrypted) (VPK) (20220715-105412) | |
Unofficial - Super Mario Maker Courses (WARC) (20240403-214022) | |
Unofficial - Video Game Documents (PDF) (20221123-054502) | |
Unofficial - Video Game Magazine Scans (CBZ) (20220824-051032) | |
Unofficial - Video Game Magazine Scans (PDF) (20220824-051032) | |
Unofficial - Video Game Magazine Scans (RAW) (20220824-051032) | |
Unofficial - Video Game Manual Scans (JPEG) (20221116-105355) | |
Unofficial - Video Game OSTs (Digital) (RAW) (20241002-175806) | |
Unofficial - Video Game OSTs (Hardware Recordings) (20241222-101158) | |
Unofficial - Video Game OSTs (Playbutton) (20221103-212144) | |
Unofficial - Video Game Scans (RAW) (20230712-063322) |
The next pack will be ready in 11 hour(s), 51 minutes(s): a new pack every 24 hours.